The concept of saving money.


Saving simply means setting aside something for future use. Concerning money, saving means keeping some of your income aside with the intention of securing your future. 

Spending is the opposite of saving. Here you don’t think about the future, and the money you have is spend as quickly as it enters your bank account. 

It is crucial that we have a firm grip on both concepts before narrowing it down to just one because they are often used simultaneously. If you are not saving, you are spending, and if you are not spending, then you are saving.

 I know, this is not rocket science, but stick with me. I want to reassure you that spending isn’t a wrong activity.

 However, there is a scale of preference. There is something that should be taken more seriously than spending, and that is saving for your future. 

As you spend, you’ve also got to realize that you need to save, because tomorrow is guaranteed. Think about it like this; if you spend all the money you have today and had nothing left, how would you survive? 

If everything you have now is taken away from you, will you still be alright? 

You have to be in control of your finances, regardless of what you feel you want to do with it. Control is critical, because when you lose control of how you manage your money, you ultimately lose control of your life. 

For you to save effectively, you need to spend wisely . This is the reason both terms go hand-in-hand; some people give excuses for their inability to save. They say it’s because they spend all their money before they can keep it.

 So, what’s the solution to this problem? Save first before you spend! Keep in mind that there will always be things to spend money on; bills, housing, food, clothes, education, essential amenities, etc. 

Even with a savings mindset you will still spend money so it isn’t something that will go away anytime soon.

However, you need to know how to manage your finances such that you are still able to save even with the myriad of opportunities to spend that come your way. 

I have already established the fact that spending is inevitable, but I need to reemphasize the point that you cannot enjoy a future of being financially independent if you don’t save. 

The moment you embrace the message of saving and practice it consistently, you will notice that there will be a significant progress in your finances.

 If you have been spending a lot and not saving, it may take a while for you to make adjustments with your finances, but if you are resilient and proactive, the steps you will find here will be of great help.
