
1. The marvelouse power of your subconsciuse mind

 Once you learn to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind, you can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health, more happiness, and more joy.  You do not need to acquire this power. You already possess it. But you will have to learn how to use it. You must understand it so that you can apply it in all departments of your life.  If you follow the simple techniques and processes explained in this book, you can gain the necessary knowledge and understanding. You can be inspired by a new light, and you can generate a new force that enables you to realize your hopes and make all your dreams come true. Decide now to make your life grander, greater, richer, and nobler than ever before.  Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, an infinite supply of all that is necessary. It is waiting there for you to give it development and expression. If you begin now to recognize these potentialities of your deeper mi...

Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

 When an engineer sets out to build a bridge or design a spacecraft, he or she approaches the problem with a known, familiar technique and a set of practiced skills and methods. These techniques, skills, and methods must be learned. In the same way, there are recognized techniques, skills, and methods for governing, controlling, and directing your life. These methods and techniques are primary. In building the Golden Gate Bridge, the engineers first had to understand mathematical principles, stresses, and strains. Second, they developed in their minds a visualization of the ideal bridge across the bay. The third step was the application of tried and proven methods by which the principles were implemented. When these three steps were completed, the bridge took form and generations of motorists began to drive across it.  If you want your prayers to be answered, you must start with the proper techniques and methods. The way in which your prayer is answered is a scientific way. No...

Whàt is mind hacking?

 Hacker: “A person who enjoys learning the details of programming systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.” —The Hacker’s Dictionary  One of the greatest moments in computer history occurred, as it so often does, in an ordinary office cubicle.  Steve Wozniak was working late. After clocking out of his day job at Hewlett-Packard, he would often stay into the night to work on a secret side project. It was the mid-1970s, and he and his buddy Steve Jobs had recently been inspired by a demonstration of the Altair 8800, a build-it-yourself computer kit aimed at hobbyists. They had the radical idea that they could offer a similar computer already built. The user would still need to add a keyboard, video display, and a case—but the motherboard would be fully assembled and ready to crunch.  That computer, which would later be known as the Apple I, was the project that Wozniak was working on wheneve...

The concept of saving money.

  Saving simply means setting aside something for future use. Concerning money, saving means keeping some of your income aside with the intention of securing your future.  Spending is the opposite of saving. Here you don’t think about the future, and the money you have is spend as quickly as it enters your bank account.  It is crucial that we have a firm grip on both concepts before narrowing it down to just one because they are often used simultaneously. If you are not saving, you are spending, and if you are not spending, then you are saving.  I know, this is not rocket science, but stick with me. I want to reassure you that spending isn’t a wrong activity.  However, there is a scale of preference. There is something that should be taken more seriously than spending, and that is saving for your future.  As you spend, you’ve also got to realize that you need to save, because tomorrow is guaranteed. Think about it like this; if you spend all the money ...


 The Importance of saving 1. Helps you live a better life With savings you can live a better life right now; so many people can’t go on vacations or even visit their family in another state, because of a lack of savings; this shouldn’t be your story. You can live a better life by starting the process of saving now. 2. Prepares you for retirement No other time is suitable for retirement planning than right now. If you wait until your early 50s to start saving, you will have to put a side a lot more money compared to if you started saving now. I also do not advise that you wait for the government to help. Start saving as you work today, start putting a little bit of money aside, so you can retire well tomorrow and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 3. It becomes an emergency fund Anything can happen at any time, and emergencies can rear its ugly head. If you have been saving, it will not be difficult for you to handle emergencies. If you have to get something done immediately and it req...

Mental Healings in Ancient Times.

   Through the ages, people in every continent, climate, and culture have instinctively known that somewhere there resided a healing power that could restore the abilities and functions of a person’s body to its normal state of efficiency and good health. They believed that this strange power could be invoked un der certain conditions and that if it were invoked properly, the alleviation of human suffering would follow. The history of all nations presents testimony in support of this belief. In the early history of the world, the power of secretly influencing men for good or evil, including the healing of the sick, was said to be possessed by priests, priestesses, and holy people. They claimed to possess powers derived directly from God that included the healing of the sick. The procedures and processes of healing varied throughout the world, but they generally included supplications and offerings to the God; various ceremonies, such as the laying on of hands and incantations;...

The Miracle Working Power of Your Subconscious.

 The power of your subconscious is beyond all measure. It inspires you and guides you. It calls up vivid scenes from the storehouse of memory. Your subconscious controls your heartbeat and the circulation of your blood. It regulates your digestion, assimilation, and elimination.        When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious mind transmutes it into tissue, muscle, bone, and blood. These processes are beyond the ken of the wisest person who walks the earth. Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes and functions of your body. It knows the answer to all problems.                                Your subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests. It is always on the job. You can discover the miracle-working power of your subconscious by plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you want a specific thing accomplished. You will be amazed and delighted to...

How Your Mind Works?

Your mind is your most precious possession. It is always with you, but its most amazing powers will be yours only when you have learned how to use it. As we have seen, there are two levels to your mind—the conscious or rational level and the subconscious or irrational level. You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind, which then creates according to the nature of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions. It is the creative mind. If you think good—good will follow; if you think evil—evil will follow. This is the way your mind works.      The most important point to remember is this: Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It is an astonishing and subtle truth that the law of the subconscious mind works for good and bad ideas alike. This law, when applied in a negative way, is the cause of failure, frustration, and unhappiness. When your habitual thi...


 You must remember that the conscious and subconscious are not two minds. They are merely two spheres of activity within one mind.  Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is that phase of mind that chooses. For example, you choose your books, your home, and your partner in life. You make all your decisions with your conscious mind. On the other hand, without any conscious choice on your part, your heart is kept functioning automatically, and the vital functions of digestion, circulation, and breathing are carried on by your subconscious mind through processes independent of your conscious control. Your subconscious mind accepts what is impressed upon it or what you consciously believe. It does not reason things out as your conscious mind does, and it does not argue with you controversially. Your subconscious mind is like a bed of soil that accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. Your thoughts are active; they are the seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts continue to...